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Stratford, CT
Just a mom trying her best to make the most of every day.

Monday, June 9, 2008

99 degrees and climbing

So, much excitement around here today. We were outside this morning doing the trash, when our neighbor stopped up to let us know that there is a family of raccoons living in a tree in our front yard. I called the town to come look at them- awake during the day is not a good sign. Thankfully, they are in a tree we wanted to take down anyway, so maybe they will chop it down for this.

It was almost 100 degrees today, so we turned on the sprinklers and had popsicles for snacktime. Aren't baby girl bikinis adorable? I have definitely been out of TX for a while because I couldn't take it and we were back inside by noon.

On Sunday, We went to Westport for a garden tour. It was really nice, but blazing hot. Here's one of the homes. They were beautiful, as expected, but we didn't make it to all of them. We hit the Pottery Barn instead. air conditioning!

Here's a sonogram, just a foot for all of you professional ultrasound readers! (sorry for the glare)
On the belly front, I wanted to punch a lady in the face at the park last week- Her daughter was having a baby due in July, I'm due in Oct and she was surprised, and told me as much, about how big I was. Really keep it to yourself lady...then today at the GYM! one of the babysitters told me that I had really blown up. What is wrong with people?
Caleb continues counting- He gets stuck on the number 5, so that's what we're working on. And on Saturday we schlepped him to 1/2 a dozen stores looking for home decorating ideas. He was a trooper, but would only respond to the name Super Bunny! Whatever works- but I think we've found a Halloween costume : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super Bunny... lol, that's too cute! Thanks for the stroller advice. I've thought about the sit and stand, but I think Trevor will still be a little small for that when Deuce comes along. I'm looking at the Contours Options Tandem by Kolkraft. It seems to adjust the most and will accomodate our infant carrier. I have thought about the jogging strollers too... we have one that we use now and would definitely get some use out of the double. Who knows... thankfully I have a while to figure this out! What's your due date?