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Stratford, CT
Just a mom trying her best to make the most of every day.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

catching up

Fun weekend at the camp, after a lot of drama getting everyone there. The guys did a lot of clearing and the girls did a lot of swimming and sunning. Caleb and Jenet made friends with a duck family, and enjoyed feeding them until they were attacked by a giant fish. (Really a little fish nibbled at their toes)

We got a chance to visit Mamma, she seems to be doing well and will hopefully, be making her way home in a few weeks. Caleb especially enjoyed using her grabber, I am thinking of getting one for the house, as I have never seen him clean up anything so happily before.

Caleb and I are spending the weekend alone. Brandon is meeting his friends from Colorado in Wyoming for a camping trip at Yellowstone. It was supposed to be a family trip, but everyone started having babies, so we're staying home. We have a lot of fun planned. Swimming at Shayna's, music class, and a playdate at Bounce U- a bouncy house place we've been wanting to check out. Pictures to be taken and posted.

Super Bunny rules....Caleb put a dishtowel around his neck the other night and asked for tape. He wanted to make a cape- so we made it and them we had to film it and then we had to watch it again and again. Caleb movies are a big deal in this house. Grammy Jackie heard about it and thought it was sad he had a taped cape, so she's making him a real Super B cape. Can't wait!

He's also really smart. We were in bed today getting ready for nap, and Caleb was talking to Pappa on the phone. Baby Elmo was there with us, and I asked if Elmo wanted to talk to Pappa, too. He looked at me seriously and said, "No, mamma, baby Elmo doesn't have ears." HA!

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